Well, we do love vacationing in France?but the idea for a small first course came to me over the holidays while fixing appetizers. The idea was to continue making just a small something as a first course throughout the year. ...
Ubijen u terorističkom napadu, izvršenom 29. maja, u selu bVaganica/b, opština Srbica. Boban Djordjević rodjen je 22. jula 1969. godine u Prokuplju. Završio je Srednju školu i kurs za policajce. U MUP-u Republike Srbije je od 1992. godine. ...
JETULAH (Sylejman) DIBRANI Born on December 21st, 1953, in the village of bVaganica/b, Kosovska Mitrovica. During the 80s and the 90s, he was sentenced several times for aggravated robberies and other criminal acts. b....../b Also, a chain of restaurants and bhotels/b and a basketball team. 101 He is one of the main financiers of Albanian terrorists in Kosovo and Metohija and, towards the end of the 90s, he provided close to two million euros for their needs. ...